"When thinking, I use positive, encouraging and helpful words to myself." "I know if I believe I CAN or believe I CAN NOT do a thing, I'm right." "I separate the things I can and can not do, and don't worry about them." "I surround myself with similar, positive minded people." "I focus on ways a thing can be done instead of problems and obstacles." "I compliment others whenever possible and avoid criticism of them." "I think about my strong points, abilities, and reasons for self-worth." "First thing I say to others and have them say to me, is something good." "I know that my attitude can make stress positive or negative." "I can't WISH a down day away, I therefore accept it, for it will pass." "I look forward to learning something new every day." "I look for and expect the best in people. If wrong, WE still benefit." "I know others can stop me temporarily; I can stop myself permanently." "I eliminate paperwork and red-tape in every possible manner." "I know when I blame others, I am farther away from improving things." "I know the biggest RISK in life is to try to avoid taking risks." "I know riches usually come NOT from focusing on riches, but success." "I know being AFRAID of losing something is one sure way to lose it." "I take steps to change problems into results. If I can't I forget them." "I get exercise and rest for a positive attitude, efficiency and energy." "I walk briskly, sit upright, relax and breathe deeply." "I use positive body language to influence myself---SMILE." "I make lists of all the positive things I've done, and how I did them." "I truly BELIEVE that Good things SHOULD, CAN and WILL happen to me." "I strive to see opportunities in every difficulty and NOT the reverse." "I know to set some small goals that I can achieve, them set new ones." "I try to be well dressed and groomed because it helps me FEEL good." "I speak the truth. If I am inclined to lie, I keep silent." "I know that most joy comes in enjoying the work, not reaching stars." "I know that to make NO DECISION is often a BAD DECISION."